Policy Recommendations V
Virginia Tech Cyberschool
"Building Cyber Hostel Courses"
Hatfield and Timothy W.
Coordinators, Cyberschool
August 6, 1997
During the last meeting of
the Spring 1997 semester, the Cyberschool faculty met with two
representatives of the VT Alumni Association, Tom Tillar and Phil
Spessard. At that time, Tom Tillar and Phil Spessard expressed
considerable interest in offering computer-mediated short courses in
many areas over the Internet to nearly 6,000 VT alumni who have
signed up on the Alumni Association's on-line service, AlumNet; Laura
Wedin, of the Alumni Relations Office, now regularly attends
Cyberschool Two meetings. To meet the needs of VT alumni, we want to
purpose that the College of Arts and Sciences as well as the
University gradually develop a series of on-line course offerings in
a "Cyber Hostel" program.
At this time, the University
does not have a well-defined life-long learning program for its
alumni. Such programs at other universities, however, have proven to
be extremely effective means of building alumni loyalty to the
University, maintaining alumni interest in their former home
departments and colleges, and sustaining alumni interest in academic
pursuits. In the new knowledge-based economy, life-long learning is
becoming more of a vital necessity rather than remaining an rare
expectation from college graduates. Nonetheless, the pressing demands
of work, family or community often make it impossible for any
individual to break away from their daily routines and return to his
or her alma mater for new instruction.
Here the unusually flexible,
on-demand learning systems pioneered at VPI&SU by Virginia Tech
Cyberschool faculty could prove useful for life-long learning
candidates. The existing suite of Cyberschool courses could be
offered for credit to alumni as life-long learning opportunities;
but, more importantly, smaller, more manageable pieces of these
courses, or indeed any other class in the College of Arts and
Sciences, also could be repackaged as Cyber Hostel courses for the
Alumni Association, perhaps under the rubric of Alumni mini-courses.
Here topics of interest to alumni, professors with considerable
reputation in the nation, or issues of vital concern for all
Virginians could be presented as one to four week or two to three
weekend units over the Internet or NET.WORK.VIRGINIA to interested
alumni. As a kind of network-based version of the highly successful
Choices and Challenges forums, such a Cyber Hostel program may have
offer the College of Arts and Sciences a significant means of
outreach. In partnership with Continuing Education and the Alumni
Association the College should explore the economics and logistics of
such an arrangement as part of their Cyber Hostel construction
Implementing these
recommendation as soon as possible necessitates that a definite
decision be made quickly to endorse the Cyber Hostel idea. Once made,
however, a Cyber Hostel program should have several important
benefits for the College and the University. These might include:
1) Alumni Enrollments and
Support: By offering on-line mini-courses, as well as on-line
versions of existing ones, Cyber Hostel should not only increase
College enrollments, perhaps marginally at first, but should also
garner additional public awareness and support of our College
2) Alumni Loyalty and
Networking: Providing such services to our alumni will encourage
their ongoing interest in the College, and should promote
College-focused networking among alumni, faculty and administration,
and students. Such networking can, of course, be an invaluable aid to
students seeking post-graduate employment, internships, and the
3) Faculty Involvement in
Outreach and Continuing Education: Cyber Hostel will help the College
of Arts and Sciences make an important and concrete contribution to
the university's larger mission of outreach. It could help bring
faculty into more consistent and prolonged contact with our alumni,
helping to break down the barriers of ignorance and uncertainty about
higher education that sometimes reduces public confidence in our
work. Such continuing education work must, of course, be properly
counted in faculty rewards and salaries; but this additional way of
making a difference should be very attractive to some faculty.
4) New Revenue Sources: The
Cyber Hostel could, as it develops, generate new revenues for the
College, Alumni Association, and Continuing Education, while it
provides additional work for faculty and graduate students. Again, a
quick review of the annual budgets of successful Elder Hostel
programs around the country (e.g., at Indiana University) will show
the possibilities here in detail.
5) Innovative On-Line
Community-Building: In order to seriously develop the cultural
practice of life-long learning, we in the university community need
to reach out to diverse constituencies in order to build new kinds of
learning communities. Such learning communities will define and
establish the practices of continued learning in the networked
environment, and it is important that the College take a leadership
role in this endeavor. Cyber Hostel would allow us to develop and
learn from such a lasting learning community.
These benefits are only some
of the expected advantages from such a program. To our knowledge, no
other universities in the nation have expanded their Elder Hostel or
Continuing Education courses by using computer-mediated
communications. Consequently, the University might, once again,
generate its leading position in these areas to enhance the
visibility and reputation of the institution nationally and
internationally. The issues involved in building a Cyber Hostel
program are complex. Therefore, we urge the Alumni Association, the
Division of Continuing Education, and the College of Arts and
Sciences to begin discussions immediately to find the best mix of
Cyber Hostel courses, faculty, and schedules, while addressing the
faculty compensation, program support, and course certification
questions, for a preliminary opening date in 1998.